2018: ジョッケクルブ賞(仏ダービー)

着順 馬番 馬名 斤量 騎手 調教師 タイム 着差 上り
1 6 Study of Man 3 Stephane Pasquier P Bary 2:07.44
2 17 Patascoy 3 Mickael Barzalona X Thomas-Demeaulte ½
3 9 Louis D'Or 3 Antoine Hamelin T Castanheira hd
4 16 Intellogent 3 Pierre-Charles Boudot F Chappet hd
5 5 Not Mine 3 Olivier Peslier C Ferland
6 14 Hunting Horn 3 Seamie Heffernan A P O'Brien hd
7 13 Hey Gaman 3 James Doyle James Tate nk
8 7 Key Victory 3 William Buick Charlie Appleby ¾
9 3 Rostropovich 3 Ryan Moore A P O'Brien
10 12 Flag of Honour 3 Wayne Lordan A P O'Brien nse
11 18 Dice Roll 3 Christophe Soumillon F Chappet ¾
12 11 Stable Genius 3 Tony Piccone F Chappet
13 1 Olmedo 3 Cristian Demuro J-C Rouget 1
14 4 Beat Generation 3 Fabien Lefebvre Carla O'Halloran 12
15 10 Naturally High 3 Theo Bachelot P Bary 1
16 2 Kenya 3 P B Beggy A P O'Brien 9