2003: ムーラン・ド・ロンシャン賞

着順 馬番 馬名 斤量 騎手 調教師 タイム 着差 上り
1 7 Nebraska Tornado 3 Richard Hughes A Fabre 1:38.70
2 14 Lohengrin 4 Hiroki Goto Masanori Ito ½
3 1 Bright Sky 4 Dominique Boeuf E Lellouche 1
4 5 Soviet Song 3 Oscar Urbina James Fanshawe
5 4 Clodovil 3 Christophe Soumillon A Fabre
6 3 Where or When 4 Kevin Darley T G Mills ½
7 8 Domedriver 5 Thierry Thulliez P Bary nk
8 9 Special Kaldoun 4 Thierry Gillet D Smaga ¾
9 6 Statue of Liberty 3 Jamie Spencer A P O'Brien shd
10 11 Dandoun 5 Thierry Jarnet John Dunlop 2
11 10 Refuse to Bend 3 P J Smullen D K Weld hd
12 2 Military Option 3 P Shanahan D K Weld nk
13 13 Telegnosis 4 Masaki Katsuura Hiroaki Sugiura shd
14 12 Reel Buddy 5 Pat Eddery Richard Hannon 1