

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Holiday Crossing Mr. Washington Voyagette 1975
Honorette Delta Judge Voyagette 1976
Tawapit Shecky Greene Voyagette 1977
Artistic Voyage Arts and Letters Voyagette 1978
Kes K'say Shecky Greene Voyagette 1979
Todd Or Even Intrepid Hero Voyagette 1980
Sweet Charity Darby Creek Road Voyagette 1981
Shivering Bid Proctor Voyagette 1983
Key Voyage Key to the Kingdom Voyagette 1985
Wichita Dream Dewan Keys Voyagette 1986
Satellite Orbit Jeswilndee Voyagette 1988
Sokaris Conquistador Cielo Voyagette 1990
Kings Voyage Key to the Kingdom Voyagette 1992