

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Raphael Rubens Housemaid 1812
Rubens Mare Rubens Guildford Nan 1812
Rubens Mare Rubens Guildford Nan 1813
Landscape Rubens Housemaid 1813
Gainsborough Rubens Tiney 1813
Charming Molly Rubens Comedy 1813
Bobadil Rubens Skyscraper Mare 1813
Rivulet Rubens Sister to Champion 1813
Rubens Mare Rubens Woodpecker Mare 1814
Miniature Rubens Prue 1814
Sister to Rowena Rubens Brightonia 1814
Strephon Rubens Nymphina 1815
Wouvermans Rubens Brightonia 1815
Euphrasia Rubens Witch of Endor 1815
Rowena Rubens Brightonia 1816
Defiance Rubens Little Folly 1816
Brutus Rubens Diana 1816
Tandem Rubens Jannette 1816
Teniers Rubens Snowdrop 1816
Loyalty Rubens Zephyr 1817