馬名 | 父 | 母 | 生年 |
First Born | Nuncio | Bienseance | 1848 |
Trust | Nuncio | Loisa | 1849 |
Pedagogue | Nuncio | Eoline | 1851 |
Festival | Nuncio | Bienseance | 1851 |
Fantome | Nuncio | Bienseance | 1852 |
Valbruant | Nuncio | Wirthschaft | 1852 |
Junction | Nuncio | Margaret | 1853 |
Comtesse | Nuncio | Eusebia | 1855 |
Miss Neddy | Nuncio | Miss Burns | 1856 |
Va-te-Promener | Nuncio | Gladiole | 1856 |
Liouba | Nuncio | Eusebia | 1856 |
Black Prince | Nuncio | Creeping Jenny | 1856 |
Nuncia | Nuncio | Fatima | 1856 |
Clara | Nuncio | Flirtation | 1856 |
Wedding | Nuncio | Wedlock | 1856 |
Esmeralda | Nuncio | Lady Henriette | 1862 |
Carrouge | Nuncio | Annetta | 1862 |
Gladiator | Nuncio | Nuncia | 1871 |
Nemesis | Knight of the Garter | Nuncia | 1872 |