

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Day to Shine アルデバランⅡ Ellie's Moment 2005
Deus Ex Machina Storm Cat Ellie's Moment 2006
Awesome Bet Awesome Again Ellie's Moment 2008
Moment in Dixie Dixieland Band Ellie's Moment 2009
Tactical Moment Tale of the Cat Ellie's Moment 2010
エイシンカラット Tale of Ekati Ellie's Moment 2012
Time and Motion Tapit Ellie's Moment 2013
Momentiempo Medaglia d'Oro Ellie's Moment 2014
Bryzzo Medaglia d'Oro Ellie's Moment 2015
Tip At Tapit Tapit Ellie's Moment 2016
Liveyourbeastlife Ghostzapper Ellie's Moment 2017
Sundial Dialed In Ellie's Moment 2018