

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
The Minstrel The Bard Malibran 1888
Berenger The Bard Boutade 1888
Annita The Bard Lina 1889
Ulva The Bard Versigny 1889
Saint Michel The Bard Saint Cecilia 1889
Madcap The Bard Malibran 1889
St. Michel The Bard St. Cecilia 1889
Tilly The Bard Regine 1890
Gouvernail The Bard Gladia 1891
Campanule The Bard Saint Lucia 1891
Doublure The Bard Directrice 1891
Calceolaire The Bard Ella 1891
Floride The Bard Fair Lyonese 1891
Launay The Bard Lina 1892
Navaja The Bard Dague 1893
La Mouche The Bard Fine Mouche 1894
The Shrew The Bard Regine 1894
Indian Chief The Bard Indian Summer 1894
Vidame The Bard Viadana 1894
Longbow The Bard Old Bow 1894