

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Heir to the Mint Vindication Cypriata 2008
Celestic Night Vindication Celestic 2008
Berry Knoll Vindication More d'Amour 2008
カグラ Vindication ミスエマ 2008
Mi Nena Mary Vindication Goldendale 2008
General Bunching Vindication Listen 2008
ダストアンドダイヤモンズ Vindication Majestically 2008
Lautoka Vindication シガトカ 2008
プルーフオブライフ Vindication カーリア 2008
Faithful Vindication Chosen Lady 2008
Nothing to Declare Vindication Spice Island 2008
By Golly Mis Molly Vindication Flawless Diamond 2008
Famous Vindication Statuette 2008
Peter Louis Vindication Dynamite Eyes 2009
Clear Reason Vindication Killoe 2009
Path of Life Vindication Winter's Day 2009
フェザーステップ Vindication Imagine 2009
Vindigreat Vindication クラシーアセッツ 2009
Broadway's Alibi Vindication Broadway Gold 2009
Personal Interest Vindication Majestically 2009