

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Sweet Reflections Reflected Glory Near Lyn 1973
Raise a Princess Raise a Native Near Lyn 1974
Desire Graustark Near Lyn 1975
Nearly a Princess Prince John Near Lyn 1976
Welham Green Tom Rolfe Near Lyn 1978
Dancing Damsel Damascus Near Lyn 1979
Profanity Elocutionist Near Lyn 1980
Near the Door Stage Door Johnny Near Lyn 1981
Perpetual Change Prove Out Near Lyn 1982
Fallibility Tom Rolfe Near Lyn 1983
Stately Treasure Irish Tower Near Lyn 1984
Leprechaun Lyn Irish Tower Near Lyn 1986
Near the Limit Garthorn Near Lyn 1988