

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Dubiouscredentials Vice Regent Bag of Tricks 1993
Confide Phone Trick Bag of Tricks 1994
Tricky Mizwaki Miswaki Bag of Tricks 1995
Forever Maisie Carson City Bag of Tricks 1996
Real Money Private Terms Bag of Tricks 1997
Tricky Indy A.P. Indy Bag of Tricks 1999
アダムカラノテガミ A.P. Indy Bag of Tricks 2000
Tricky Devil コロナドズクエスト Bag of Tricks 2001
Tricky Flight Fusaichi Pegasus Bag of Tricks 2002
Gold Label Touch Gold Bag of Tricks 2004
Commandeered Deputy Commander Bag of Tricks 2005
Otro Visur Pleasantly Perfect Bag of Tricks 2006