

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
David Dunnit Tridessus Take Heart 1988
Spinning Round Dixieland Band Take Heart 1989
Be Loyal Eternal Prince Take Heart 1990
Top View Eternal Prince Take Heart 1991
Wholehearted Be My Chief Take Heart 1992
Motivate Storm Bird Take Heart 1993
Sweet Tease Storm Bird Take Heart 1994
Shared Emotion Storm Bird Take Heart 1995
Evening Charmer Woodman Take Heart 1996
Jack to a King Dixieland Band Take Heart 1998
Nopaynenogain Miner's Mark Take Heart 1999
Spinning Heart スピニングワールド Take Heart 2000
Strata Climber カリズマティック Take Heart 2001
Two Chimneys Deputy Commander Take Heart 2002
Wonder Legend Touch Gold Take Heart 2003
Sacre Coeur Compton Place Take Heart 2004