

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Hail to Hasty Hail to All Hasty Elegance 1972
Hasty Jerry Sadair Hasty Elegance 1973
Faded Lady Sadair Hasty Elegance 1974
Hasty Envoy Star Envoy Hasty Elegance 1977
Hasty Shecky Shecky Greene Hasty Elegance 1979
Elegant Act Shecky Greene Hasty Elegance 1981
Micki Bracken Baldski Hasty Elegance 1982
Quick Hit Fantasy Baldski Hasty Elegance 1983
Too Bobees Return Talc Hasty Elegance 1984
Dusty Elegance Talc Hasty Elegance 1985