

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Rinka Das Nureyev Tremulous 1988
Rich Marylee Roberto Tremulous 1989
Great Cabaret The Minstrel Tremulous 1990
Glidingonby Alzao Tremulous 1991
Shakey Caerleon Tremulous 1992
トラファルガーレディー Fairy King Tremulous 1993
Interpretive Mood Nureyev Tremulous 1994
Doctor Ivan Marquetry Tremulous 1997
Shake Salt Salt Lake Tremulous 1998
Famous Amos Sea Hero Tremulous 1999
Seismic Cat Tale of the Cat Tremulous 2000
Stravinsky's Fire ストラヴィンスキー Tremulous 2001