

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Harbour Light Shelter Half Irradia 1986
Latin Puzzle Shelter Half Wake Up and Dream 1986
Half Informed Shelter Half Fast Speculator 1986
Give Us Shelter Shelter Half I'll Please You 1986
Shelter's Gone Shelter Half Antigone 1986
Miss Pinafore Shelter Half Spring Social 1986
The Georgetowner Shelter Half Moved and Seconded 1987
House of Rules Shelter Half Overrulled 1987
Golden Triad Shelter Half Jump for Gold 1987
Campus Shanty Shelter Half Affecting 1987
Cameron Station Shelter Half Lady Cameron 1987
Marlenesatthemall Shelter Half Ocean Girl 1988
Cruising Haven Shelter Half Sailing Leader 1988
Sheltered View Shelter Half Counter View 1988
September Star Shelter Half Tinsley Star 1988
Half Spin Shelter Half Twirl the World 1988
Chalet d'Or Shelter Half Aube d'Or 1988
Sugar Bound Shelter Half Cuba Bound 1988
Gala Goldilocks Shelter Half Gala Goldie 1988
Harmonium Shelter Half Make It Known 1989