

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Delta West Tank's Prospect Delta Daiquiry 1991
Wing of the Falcon Tank's Prospect Money Bells 1992
ツキカゲマル Tank's Prospect Shapely Lady 1992
Tanksforthespanks Tank's Prospect グレイミスチーフ 1992
Dawn of Promise Tank's Prospect Magnificent Dawn 1992
Sainte Prospect Tank's Prospect Sainte Adresse 1992
Absolute Sensation Tank's Prospect Some Sensation 1993
Tanks Forthemusic Tank's Prospect Silent Music 1993
So Lucky Tank's Prospect Time to Get Lucky 1993
Exquisite Tank's Prospect Luck's Fancy 1993
Tactical Alert Tank's Prospect White Fury 1993
Shy Solana Tank's Prospect Her Royalty 1993
Sybil's Prospect Tank's Prospect Blade's Sybil 1994
Tank Fire Tank's Prospect ファイアーテン 1995
Panama Jim Tank's Prospect Tanksforthespanks 1996
Luna Di Primavera Tank's Prospect Khai Tau 1997