

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Sunshine Jimmy Judge Smells Lithia's Dantan 1987
Palace Girl Judge Smells Palace Gate 1987
Phone the Judge Judge Smells 1987
Sound of Cannons Judge Smells Green Empress 1987
Smelly Judge Smells Toronto Tea 1987
Odor of Truth Judge Smells Lucinda Lea 1988
Eclipse One Judge Smells Just Married 1988
Judge Blade Judge Smells Blade's Sybil 1988
Supreme Chief Judge Smells Suppertime 1988
Miss Lisa Gail Judge Smells Our Punch 1989
Bold Judgement Judge Smells Vitesse 1989
Elegante Chica Judge Smells コンキスタドアブルー 1990
Stylish Smells Judge Smells Agitated Style 1990
Majestic Leigh Judge Smells Just Hailly 1990
Paris Perfume Judge Smells Conga Miss 1990
Great Judgement Judge Smells Great Display 1991
Go Fast n' Win Judge Smells Blue Claret 1991
Sailingonthewind Judge Smells Prodigal Princess 1991
Judge Fred Judge Smells Dedham Dancer 1991
Herecomesthejudge Judge Smells Bay of Fundy 1991