

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Charity Day Half a Year Nervous Pet 1993
Busy Little Beaver Half a Year Good Deed 1993
Channel Listing Half a Year Ambrose Channel 1994
Fancy Ruler Half a Year Bittersweet Hour 1994
Bright Discovery Half a Year Big Spirit 1994
Box of Presents Half a Year Golden Jewel Box 1994
Harmony and Peace Half a Year Delta Bid 1994
Beautiful Face Half a Year Tracy Leroy 1994
Angel's Spirit Half a Year アセルティンズエンジェルス 1994
Eternal Vigilance Half a Year Homecoming Crown 1994
Carnival Delight Half a Year Carnival Princess 1994
Reading Habit Half a Year Paperback Habit 1994
Candlelight Gal Half a Year Candelight Service 1994
Crown of Jewels Half a Year Fitted Crown 1995
Box of Jewels Half a Year Golden Jewel Box 1995
Champagne Year Half a Year Champagne Dance 1995
Style of the Year Half a Year Dancing Style 1995
Honey's Half Half a Year Honey's Flag 1995
Light Up the Year Half a Year Light the Gold 1995
College Year Half a Year Art College 1995