

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Shivering Fax Islefaxyou Shivering Six 1998
Big Show Islefaxyou Nell's Jet 1998
Gift of the Eagle Islefaxyou Bob's Big Girl 1998
Pan de Vida Islefaxyou Tilted Tiara 1998
Faxxy Sal Islefaxyou Sally's Secret 1999
Beautiful Starlet Islefaxyou Cavite Starlet 1999
Line Error Islefaxyou Equate 1999
I'ma a Fax Islefaxyou I'm in Focus 2000
Bamboo Belle Islefaxyou Test for Harvey 2000
Zydeco Affair Islefaxyou Affirmed Affair 2000
Island Melody Islefaxyou Black Tie Melody 2000
Fax Dance Islefaxyou Hey Wanna Dance 2000
Sanibel Sunset Islefaxyou Sanibel Sole 2000
Faxed Kisses Islefaxyou Kisses for Missy 2001
Faxing the Blues Islefaxyou Kapalana 2001
Ericka's Eyes Islefaxyou Bubbie Eva 2001
Faxappeal Islefaxyou タッチナット 2002