

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Duke of Hastings Vice Regent Hasty Gal 1984
Chapdelaine Vice Regent Barrier Reef 1984
Lover's Talk Vice Regent Lover's Walk 1984
Golden Seal Vice Regent Golden Ivy 1984
Regent's Reign Vice Regent Ratifia 1985
Keys to Windsor Vice Regent Waltz to the Mint 1985
オークワース Vice Regent Geiger Countess 1985
Fire in My Eye Vice Regent Fiery Bets 1985
President's Choice Vice Regent Supertam 1985
Under the Sun Vice Regent Summer Dreams 1985
Regal Oracle Vice Regent Devinette 1985
Sparkling Delite Vice Regent Sparkling Topaz 1985
Regal Intention Vice Regent Tiffany Tam 1985
Fancy You Vice Regent Winsome 1985
Thaidah Vice Regent Ballade 1985
Excited Regent Vice Regent Enthraller 1985
Society Island Vice Regent Gliding In 1985
Dowager Empress Vice Regent Renounce 1985
Ground Pine Vice Regent Green Boundary 1985
Regal Classic Vice Regent No Class 1985