

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Gentilhomme The Flying Dutchman Georgette 1860
Reimbrant The Flying Dutchman Rackety Girl 1861
Andromaque The Flying Dutchman Queen of the May 1861
Tourmalet The Flying Dutchman La Maladetta 1862
Canotiere The Flying Dutchman Nereide 1862
Deliane The Flying Dutchman Imperieuse 1862
Graciosa The Flying Dutchman Picciola 1862
Violette The Flying Dutchman Miss Finch 1863
Verite The Flying Dutchman Vermeille 1863
Regalia The Flying Dutchman Regrettee 1864
Brunehaut The Flying Dutchman Bataglia 1864
Nevada The Flying Dutchman La Maladetta 1864
Dutch Skater The Flying Dutchman Fulvie 1866
Massinissa The Flying Dutchman Calpurnia 1866
Azema The Flying Dutchman Arrogante 1866
Algerie The Flying Dutchman L'Aventuriere 1867
Jarnac The Flying Dutchman Joliette 1867
Lulu The Flying Dutchman Paste 1867
Aspasie The Flying Dutchman Belle Etoile 1868
Posterite The Flying Dutchman Partlet 1868