

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Abt Vogler Gallinule Sanctissima 1889
Double Primrose Gallinule Primrose 1891
Rock Dove Gallinule The Sleeping Beauty 1891
Gazetteer Gallinule Award 1891
Wedding Cake Gallinule She Takes the Cake 1892
Crotanstown Gallinule Lady Louisa 1892
Port Marnock Gallinule The Sleeping Beauty 1892
Weathergall Gallinule Phoenomena 1892
Lesterlin Gallinule Miliora 1892
Dervorgill Gallinule Niniche 1892
Portmarnock Gallinule The Sleeping Beauty 1892
Guillemot Gallinule Portia 1892
Carnage Gallinule Uncertainty 1893
Palotta Gallinule Maid of Kilcreene 1893
Gulsalberk Gallinule Rosamene 1893
Stormy Petrel Gallinule Tragedy 1893
Irish Girl Gallinule Lady Jacob 1893
General Peace Gallinule Moira 1894
Dabchick Gallinule Concussion 1894
Lady Castle Gallinule Lady Lackland 1894