

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Gordy the Great Best Turn レチグアナス 1973
Best On Best Turn Sweet Tooth 1973
Turn to Turia Best Turn Princess Turia 1973
Turn and Count Best Turn Countess Alberta 1973
Penny One Best Turn Penny Mart 1973
Copa d'Or Best Turn Encore d'Or 1973
Cathy's Reject Best Turn Dash'n Home 1974
Best Class Best Turn Clasbio 1974
Hyperbola Best Turn Bye Bye Judy 1974
Promise Side Best Turn Landside 1974
Cox's Ridge Best Turn Our Martha 1974
Turn of Coin Best Turn Blessanda 1974
Best Exit Best Turn Fast Exit 1974
Trimlea Best Turn Jug Lu 1974
Lucinda Lea Best Turn Little Stormy 1975
Emma Dreux Best Turn Go On and On 1975
So Fine Best Turn Queens Lace 1975
Bionic Babe Best Turn First Sitting 1975
Timeforaturn Best Turn Pidi 1975
Boldarik Best Turn Album 1975