

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Proud Memories Proud Truth Memories We Share 1989
Truthorconsequence Proud Truth Alydar's Red Head 1989
Roy's Girl Proud Truth Beer and Bananas 1989
Proudest Romeo Proud Truth Dearest Indu 1990
Pleasant Truth Proud Truth Shy Juliet 1990
Robins Black Satin Proud Truth Caviar and Toast 1990
Truth of It All Proud Truth Cup of Honey 1990
Proud Lichi Proud Truth Lichi 1990
Open Toe Proud Truth Foot Stone 1990
Proud Frolic Proud Truth Cherokee Frolic 1990
Proudtobesassy Proud Truth Be Sassy 1990
Everybody Sleepin Proud Truth Really Blushing 1990
Moscow Gold Proud Truth Luv Luiana 1990
Soaring Proud Proud Truth Far Beyond 1990
Proudtobetogether Proud Truth Together 1990
アズテックヒル Proud Truth Tribal Hill 1990
Truth Or Die Proud Truth Baffling Ballerina 1991
Proud Exchange Proud Truth Millie and Me 1991
Mr. Bean Proud Truth Topacio 1991
Currently Proud Proud Truth Quick Currency 1991