

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
British Linc Fimiston Balmy Night 1990
Jevfimo Fimiston Jev Queen 1990
Willoughby Fimiston Cantanette 1990
Graceton Fimiston Dynomiss 1994
All Whiskey Fimiston Part Whiskey 1994
Fair Alert Fimiston Just a Ham 1996
Gold Earrings Fimiston Eagle Ears 1998
Fimara Fimiston Lanaara 1999
Ellicorsam Fimiston Premium Gold 2000
Miss Something Fimiston Apawamis 2002
Ignite The Dream Fimiston True Solo 2003
Queen of the Rings Fimiston Chanti Dilune 2003