

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Papa's Kara High Yield S. S. Sparkle 2004
Corporate Gal High Yield I Don't Know 2004
Superb High Yield Love Dream 2004
Preferred Yield High Yield Rumored 2004
Bonza Crop High Yield Dolcetto 2004
Colour Correct High Yield Never Blue 2004
Sea Boy High Yield Fee Fi Foe 2004
Bushy's Yield High Yield Bushy's Pride 2004
Answer To A Prayer High Yield Charming Bird 2004
Hi Priscilla High Yield Queen o'the Desert 2004
Yield to Faith High Yield Royal Solution 2004
Cat Song High Yield Kiara's Song 2004
Crescent Cove High Yield Parker's Cove 2004
Splendid Gift High Yield Quick to the Mint 2004
Feral Cat High Yield Energy Dancer 2004
The Hornet High Yield Millennium Miss 2004
Yield to No One High Yield Listed 2004
Giant's Forza High Yield Island Queen 2004
Rate Rise High Yield Yvonnes Victory 2004
A Diamond High Yield Our Cliquot 2004