

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Pacific Ocean カウアイキング Second the Motion 1970
House of Lords Majestic Prince Second the Motion 1971
Quasi Queen カウアイキング Second the Motion 1972
Out of Order Rambunctious Second the Motion 1973
Tinkle Tinkle Tinajero Second the Motion 1974
Oui Le Fabuleux Second the Motion 1975
Queasy North Sea Second the Motion 1976
Q. E. Two King Emperor Second the Motion 1977
Mal de Mer North Sea Second the Motion 1978
ビバレジナ His Majesty Second the Motion 1979
Moved and Seconded Sir Wimborne Second the Motion 1980
Hale Kea Hawaii Second the Motion 1982
Mondo Writer Staff Writer Second the Motion 1983
Don't Write Me Off Staff Writer Second the Motion 1984
Just for a Second Murrtheblurr Second the Motion 1987