

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Ultraviolet In the Purple Frivole 1972
How Now In the Purple Fair Diana 1972
Gold and Black In the Purple Gem 1972
Purple Pride In the Purple Stafford 1972
Purple Mist In the Purple Miss Filou 1973
Shelmarie In the Purple Fey 1974
Out of the Blue In the Purple Miss Rhondda 1974
Sylvaner In the Purple Golden Voice 1975
Palace Gossip In the Purple Early Edition 1975
Pur Sang In the Purple Rhondalette 1975
Clearly Right In the Purple Balhannah 1976
Spectrum In the Purple Suntime 1977
Royal Legend In the Purple Fair Diana 1977
Imperial Colours In the Purple 1977
Gaudette In the Purple Gaudine 1977
Amarant In the Purple Donna Frances 1977
Mad about Violets In the Purple Birella 1978
First Dawn In the Purple Skylit 1978
Capital Issue In the Purple Petite Terre 1978
Frivolous Lass In the Purple Frivole 1978