

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Baucis William of Valence Love Philtre 1939
Hollandia William of Valence Veinarde 1939
Vaillante William of Valence Sargo 1940
Arlington William of Valence Amacita 1941
Lafayette William of Valence Darned Clever 1941
Marcelette William of Valence Permavon 1942
Thorium William of Valence Princess Thor 1943
Grace Abounding William of Valence Grace Dalrymple 1944
John Knox William of Valence Highland Lady 1944
Bill of Fare William of Valence Fairly Hot 1944
Lusignan William of Valence Blue Star 1944
Denta William of Valence Credentia 1944
Sword Dance William of Valence Kozuka 1945
Canvas Back William of Valence Canvas 1945
Divel William of Valence Nearly 1945
Swift Gold William of Valence Gold Race 1945
Pascaval William of Valence Pasqua 1945
Sylistrja William of Valence Sylmar 1947
Fair Molly William of Valence Molly Malone 1947
Star of France William of Valence Allied Girl 1947