

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Talent Princess Local Talent Sensitive Princess 1994
Inside Talent Local Talent Riasly 1994
Becky's Talent Local Talent Miss Becky M. 1994
No Limits Local Talent Sparkling Girl 1994
Like a Goddess Local Talent Platinum Chain 1994
Christie Thelegend Local Talent Lustrous Sparkle 1995
Catale Star Local Talent Majestic Goose 1995
Bauxite Local Talent Gallant Colors 1995
Purls Ledgend Local Talent Purl One 1995
Destina Local Talent Askmysecretary 1995
Ssssosa Local Talent Askmysecretary 1996
Frieda Local Talent Ansellia 1996
Away to Fame Local Talent Ticket to Sail 1996
Talent to the Max Local Talent ジャッキーマックス 1996
Talentina Local Talent Sky Meadows 1996
Just Listen Local Talent Avanti Sassa 1996
Silver Secret Local Talent Silver Hiawatha 1998
Karazzano Local Talent Minnekonda 1999
Bernstein Local Talent Secret Diary 1999
Integrity Local Talent Bauneamon 1999