

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Piggy King Emperor Table Rose 1974
Empress Tree King Emperor Amuigh Faoin Speir 1974
Kospia King Emperor El Hamra 1974
Fiumana King Emperor Flare 1974
Bold Lightning King Emperor Lightning Strikes 1974
Reine Imperiale King Emperor Rescousse 1975
Sky Flare King Emperor Flare 1975
Roi de Bourges King Emperor Lady Berry 1975
Lilting Lily King Emperor Windfield Lily 1975
Marcum's Folly King Emperor Jalanda 1975
Beaming Bride King Emperor Khazaeen 1975
Stirpes King Emperor Table Rose 1975
Salem King Emperor Spark of Genius 1975
Duppel King Emperor Dorilea 1975
Seventy-Five Rock King Emperor Garden of Eden 1975
Gentian Prince King Emperor Fragrant Morn 1976
レツドルーラー King Emperor Sylvan Angle 1976
Bold Imperator King Emperor Grey Dawn 1976
Lover's Rose King Emperor Nonnie 1976
Diablo Angel King Emperor Naughty Intentions 1977