

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Pro Class Procida Shy Vita 1991
Cidacape Procida Seascape 1991
Frigid Zone Procida Arctic Belle 1991
Sparks Procida Lichi 1991
Soft Turquoise Procida Accommodate 1991
Lady Procida Procida Tasha Two 1991
Proceed to Go Procida Fiscal Fun 1991
Promised Legacy Procida Frond 1991
Circumstance Procida Consequences 1991
Mr Procida Procida Roman Prospect 1991
Halo's Rocket Procida Chato Halo 1992
Delicate Renown Procida Shesaluckygirl 1992
Joie de Rose Procida Jury's Choice 1992
Protostar Procida Mysterious Star 1992
Lady of Jakarta Procida Normia 1992
Il Commendatore Procida Northernette 1992
Prory Procida Halory 1992
Go Go Dancer Procida Lady Eleanor 1992
Kadija Procida Fash 1992
Ghost Runner Procida Wraith 1992