

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Sarazen High Time Rush Box 1921
Happy Night High Time Swan Song 1921
Lee O. Cotner High Time Precious Pearl 1922
On Time High Time Crankie 1922
Prince of Wales High Time Sand Pocket 1923
Annie Gowdy High Time Activity 1924
Dinner Dance High Time Tripping 1924
Belle Fair High Time Pin Feather 1924
Mirafel High Time Rush Box 1924
Celebration High Time Sand Pocket 1925
Hauton High Time Dora W. 1925
Juleptime High Time Calamint 1925
Happy Time High Time Little Blossom 1925
Gay Kitty High Time Happy Kate 1925
Exalted High Time Lady Comfey 1925
Modification High Time Light Wine 1925
Ready High Time Sagacity 1926
That's That High Time Rush Box 1926
Fairy Ring High Time Ringlets 1926
High Strung High Time Emotion 1926