

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
All for Love Forli Love of Learning 1974
Ring of Truth Arts and Letters Love of Learning 1975
Love for Life Forli Love of Learning 1976
Chauncey Tinker Arts and Letters Love of Learning 1977
Silence Rules Secretariat Love of Learning 1979
Stage Door Jill Stage Door Johnny Love of Learning 1981
Grand Marteau Mr. Prospector Love of Learning 1983
Sucoal Summing Love of Learning 1984
テユーター Mr. Prospector Love of Learning 1985
Stavanger Spectacular Bid Love of Learning 1986
ラブリーグリーン Green Forest Love of Learning 1987
Rednellaw Foolish Pleasure Love of Learning 1989