

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Chief of State Delaware Chief Baby Alice 1974
Delaware Punch Delaware Chief Final Warning 1974
Noterman Delaware Chief Via Bendita 1975
Lustrious Delaware Chief Lustrous Maiden 1976
Janet Lucero Delaware Chief McVay 1976
Chief Beau Delaware Chief Beau's Chansonette 1977
Powwowee Delaware Chief Sing and Run 1977
Same Thyme Delaware Chief Judie Elaine 1977
River Tune Delaware Chief River Song 1977
Amiga La G. Delaware Chief Windy P.J. 1978
Delaware Squaw Delaware Chief Chiquita Linda 1979
Dancing Della Delaware Chief Bagdad Heir 1980
Gambler's Sister Delaware Chief Mandalay 1982