

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Distant Doll Distant Land Chavalarious 1980
Pick Six Lady Distant Land Excited 1980
Vencimiento Distant Land La Vencedor 1981
Foreign Store Distant Land General Store 1981
Air Alert Distant Land Fly Bhai 1982
Bizeboy Distant Land 1982
Postell Man Distant Land Top of the Class 1983
Gala Hostess Distant Land Gala Host 1983
Softscape Distant Land Dunces World 1983
Nanaimo Distant Land 1983
Princess Barraba Distant Land Queen of Barraba 1985
Precious Verna Distant Land Precious Plaza 1986
El Mayaguezano Distant Land 1986