

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Old Country Quiet Fling Little Miss 1979
Lamiel Quiet Fling Little Claude 1980
Tschagra Quiet Fling Traumspiel 1980
Dance of the Nile Quiet Fling Spice Berry 1980
Dancing Affair Quiet Fling Misalliance 1980
Nijanna Quiet Fling Lindera 1981
Fling Tiger Quiet Fling Sweet Flight 1981
Quiet Royalty Quiet Fling Spice Berry 1981
Devastator Quiet Fling Tender Courtesan 1981
Silent Blonde Quiet Fling Ridge Blond 1982
Mama Carol Quiet Fling Red Sash 1982
Silent Slander Quiet Fling Nasty Rumors 1982
Miss Orizaba Quiet Fling Striped Action 1982
スイートランデブー Quiet Fling Sweety Bird 1982
Daisy's Fling Quiet Fling Bold Daisy 1983
Lady Val Quiet Fling Rose Chapeau 1983
Phelan Quiet Fling Duchess of Lepanto 1984
Quietly Bold Quiet Fling Cleena 1984
Well Heeled Quiet Fling Island Offer 1985
Havanaffair Quiet Fling Flight to Mecca 1985