

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Peyton Romantic ハイリーストラング 1964
Fun in the Sun Romantic Sun Bonnet 1964
Prince Romantic Romantic Montreux 1964
Gindina Romantic Gleamette 1965
L'Affaire Romantic Sun Lover 1965
Thai-Silk Romantic Countess Kerry 1966
Runaway Girl Romantic Alarm Bell 1966
Romaine Romantic Lady Fontaine 1966
Romantic Son Romantic Gold Scroll 1966
Demon Belle Romantic Belle Felice 1966
Bouquet Romantic Roussel Fair 1967
Very Faithful Romantic Chrisanda 1968
Romantic Gem Romantic Moreska 1969
Down the Cellar Romantic 1969
Miss Romantic Romantic Push Along 1969
Peace Gift Romantic Peace and Quiet 1969
Make Mine Roses Romantic Sarainie 1969
Dark Martini Romantic Coronation Lass 1969
Clinging Vine Romantic Sherry Label 1969
Delicious Romantic Sweet and Fleet 1969