

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Hurry Harriet Yrrah Jr. Somnambula 1970
Flying Swan Yrrah Jr. Lilis 1970
Carolyn Diann Yrrah Jr. 1973
Flying Hayes Yrrah Jr. Flying Swan 1975
Anna Yrrah D. Yrrah Jr. In a Fog 1976
Nemis Yrrah Yrrah Jr. Comet F 1976
Iamout Inafog Yrrah Jr. In a Fog 1978
Sailing Bird Yrrah Jr. Flying Swan 1978
Swans Pet Yrrah Jr. Flying Swan 1979
Lucky Swan Yrrah Jr. Flying Swan 1980
Last of the Lot Yrrah Jr. Toolarullah 1980
Quilty Rose Yrrah Jr. Flying Swan 1983
Trinacheile Yrrah Jr. Flying Swan 1984
Thanks to Alf Yrrah Jr. Flying Swan 1989