

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Bella Mia Bellacose Tourmaline 1938
Congo Bellacose Kong 1939
Belle Amour Bellacose Entreat 1940
Bell Agnes Bellacose Bon Mot 1940
Candrena Bellacose Bright Angel 1941
Saucy Bella Bellacose Marmite 1941
Bellaceres Bellacose Queen of the Meadows 1944
Closeburn Bellacose Cuddlededee 1944
Black Duck Bellacose Grenfel 1945
Carol's Lady Bellacose Rose of Margate 1945
Peace Belle Bellacose Peaceful Light 1945
Kites Nest Bellacose Solioquy 1946
Bold Baby Bellacose Baby Blue 1946
Monty Bellacose Exhibitionnist 1948
Prickly Rose Bellacose Lovely Rosa 1948
Warning Light Bellacose Peaceful Light 1949
Belinda Herald Bell Agnes 1950
Mi-Nai-Di Bellacose Miss Deal 1951