

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
プレスミーティング It's Freezing Ms. Person 1988
Freezing Myth It's Freezing Mythical Key 1988
Gold Chill It's Freezing Golden Goldie 1988
Siku It's Freezing All's Well 1988
Ice Escape It's Freezing Beneficence 1988
Getting Warmer It's Freezing Recycled 1988
Plenty Chilly It's Freezing Pretty Sonnet 1988
Chilly Philly It's Freezing Honest Glow 1988
Song of the North It's Freezing Singing Tribute 1988
Freezing Dock It's Freezing Pass the Mums 1988
Bless Our Home It's Freezing Begin 1989
Frozen North It's Freezing Arctic Belle 1989
Starr Frost It's Freezing Splendid Purchase 1989
Goodale It's Freezing La Vera 1989
Via Dei Portici It's Freezing Via Appia 1989
Freezerman It's Freezing Mammo 1989
Stone Cold Runner It's Freezing Elderflower 1989
Cool Quaker It's Freezing Quake Lake 1989
Frigid Forecast It's Freezing コンジュラ 1989
Cool Number It's Freezing Lady Joanne 1989