

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Afleet Passion アフリート Lemhi Love 1990
レムハイハート Green Dancer Lemhi Love 1991
Pam J Cox's Ridge Lemhi Love 1992
Hunstanton Slew o' Gold Lemhi Love 1993
Top of the Ridge Cox's Ridge Lemhi Love 1994
Theaterfest Theatrical Lemhi Love 1995
Capote's Caper Capote Lemhi Love 1996
Love Lemhi Sharp Victor Lemhi Love 1997
Love at Noon Afternoon Deelites Lemhi Love 1998
Maricot Honour and Glory Lemhi Love 2000
Johnnyou Lord Carson Lemhi Love 2001
Gins Majesty Go for Gin Lemhi Love 2002
Lemhi Loose Swiss Yodeler Lemhi Love 2004
Dancing in Silks Black Minnaloushe Lemhi Love 2005