馬名 | 父 | 母 | 生年 |
High Flying Adored | In The Wings | Countess Candy | 1992 |
In the Wind | In The Wings | Circulate | 1992 |
Slowin | In The Wings | Louange | 1992 |
Wings Bash | In The Wings | Bashush | 1992 |
High Octane | In The Wings | Nazwa | 1992 |
Freeze Frame | In The Wings | Snowtop | 1992 |
Shamekh | In The Wings | Troyanos | 1992 |
Langoustiere | In The Wings | Restrained | 1992 |
Dance in the Wings | In The Wings | Dancing Meg | 1992 |
Abzu | In The Wings | エンブラ | 1992 |
シンコウデライト | In The Wings | Charming Life | 1992 |
Winger | In The Wings | Rappa Tap Tap | 1992 |
Vol au Vent | In The Wings | Valuable | 1993 |
Allesca | In The Wings | Accredited | 1993 |
Don Lisander | In The Wings | Divina Estate | 1993 |
Amusing Aside | In The Wings | モストアミュージング | 1993 |
Filmore West | In The Wings | Sistabelle | 1993 |
Stage Pass | In The Wings | Sateen | 1993 |
Wing Partner | In The Wings | Seven Colors | 1993 |
Kafhar | In The Wings | イティサール | 1993 |