

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Native Virginian Intrepid Hero Pied Princess 1978
In Fine Fettle Intrepid Hero Lady Be Good 1978
Lake Intrepid Intrepid Hero Lake of the Isles 1978
Terrific Jim Intrepid Hero Paddy's Song 1978
Brave Little Nell Intrepid Hero Persian Nell 1978
Croix de Guerre Intrepid Hero La Fantastique 1978
Flyer Rick Intrepid Hero In the Clouds 1978
Sonora Pass Intrepid Hero Mine Lovely 1978
Noble Robert Intrepid Hero Justakiss 1978
Intrepidora Intrepid Hero Cantadora 1979
Dauntless Intrepid Hero Jidda 1979
Miss Linda Henker Intrepid Hero Paddy's Song 1979
Infanta Intrepid Hero Isobella 1979
Intrepid Heroine Intrepid Hero Toil No More 1979
Intrepid Moon Intrepid Hero Majestic Moon 1979
Come Gracefully Intrepid Hero Hedging 1979
Almerio Intrepid Hero Our Charmer 1979
Two Days Too Soon Intrepid Hero Sweet Bernice 1979
Cost Control Intrepid Hero Two Timing Lass 1979
Bletchley Intrepid Hero Faye Mar 1980