

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Blakely Grove Green Forest Leap of the Heart 1985
Fortune's Child Slew o' Gold Leap of the Heart 1986
リープフォーラブ Slew o' Gold Leap of the Heart 1987
Giant Leap Conquistador Cielo Leap of the Heart 1988
Quick to Quibble Fit to Fight Leap of the Heart 1989
Sky Diamond Star de Naskra Leap of the Heart 1990
Leap of the Mind Key to the Mint Leap of the Heart 1992
Dream Collector Believe It Leap of the Heart 1993
Henley Salem Drive Leap of the Heart 1994
Leap to Glory St. Jovite Leap of the Heart 1995
Joyful Jovian St. Jovite Leap of the Heart 1996
Prince of Faith St. Jovite Leap of the Heart 1998
Hackleton's Cliff Grand Slam Leap of the Heart 2000
Forallthemellons Golden Gear Leap of the Heart 2001
Shortysgottago Grand Slam Leap of the Heart 2004