

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Mairzy Doates Nodouble Avalanche Lily 1976
Derby Day Nodouble Klinchit's Girl 1976
Miss Nodouble Nodouble Miss Debbie Lee 1976
Immeasurable Nodouble 1976
Nodouble Princess Nodouble Nimble Princess 1976
No Dribble Nodouble Real Babe 1977
Captain Double Nodouble Faneuil Girl 1977
Double Notice Nodouble Proper Notice 1977
Major Sport Nodouble Summertide 1977
Double Majesty Nodouble Majestic De 1977
One Reign Nodouble 1977
Nodoubtabout Her Nodouble 1977
Pair of Deuces Nodouble Rosy Alibhai 1978
Hungria Nodouble Titled Heroine 1978
Thirty Eight Paces Nodouble Thirty Paces 1978
Double Sonic Nodouble Eloquent Es 1978
Be On the Double Nodouble Close Control 1978
Semipalatinsk Nodouble School Board 1978
Proper Double Nodouble Proper Notice 1978
Bay Buccaneer Nodouble Attache Case 1978