

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Worldwatch Nijinsky Georgica 1978
リズミックⅡ The Minstrel Georgica 1979
Minstrel Blues The Minstrel Georgica 1981
That Rose Foolish Pleasure Georgica 1983
ジヨージカズジエム Sir Ivor Georgica 1984
Georgica's Gal Raja Baba Georgica 1985
Ski Michaela Devil's Bag Georgica 1987
Tucumcari Vanlandingham Georgica 1988
Lake Georgica Kings Lake Georgica 1989
Woods Venture デインヒル Georgica 1991
Star of the Dragon Nordico Georgica 1992
Georgia Venture Shirley Heights Georgica 1994
Evergreen Venture Pursuit of Love Georgica 1996
Decatur Deploy Georgica 1998