

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Tusko T. You and I Synastry's Maid 2003
Capt. Rhon You and I Frolicking Missy 2003
Memyselfnkarakorum You and I Nijit 2003
Our Little Bet You and I Our Barbette 2003
Procrastinator You and I ミークアピール 2003
Schoolin You You and I Home School 2003
So What You and I Annul 2003
Wonderful You You and I Stark Passage 2003
Youandiatdelmar You and I Summer Matinee 2004
I'm Missing You You and I Frolicking Missy 2004
Trufflesfromheaven You and I Great Plains Lady 2005
Youarefun You and I Fun Project 2005
Little Swoon You and I Littlesuruki 2005
Teralisha You and I Tangled Web 2007
Blue King You and I Divided We Fall 2009
Youtheprizeandi You and I Misty Knight 2009
Ethan's Way You and I Shawn's Hope 2010
Brigant Surgery You and I Divided We Fall 2010