

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Sweet Nanette You and I Sweet Remedy 1998
Double M Express You and I Saratoga One 1998
Are You Blue You and I Melancholy Blues 1998
Cantkeepfromsingin You and I Cherie's Hope 1998
Missed You You and I Holly North 1999
Cool Heavy Bull You and I Explosive Lee 1999
Jules Pride You and I My Prized Jule 1999
Cj's Pride You and I Powder Pink 1999
You You and I Our Dani 1999
Daniela You and I Baby Bela 1999
Ladonia You and I Aggie Gold Rush 1999
Tonic Nights You and I Crafty Satin 1999
Winning Ways You and I Gilabteni 1999
Elektra You and I Really Royal 1999
Val U Me You and I Valenza 1999
Youandyourattitude You and I An Attitude 1999
Queen and I You and I Sleek Reina 1999
Dos Talas You and I Multimara 1999
Once Around You and I Persimmon Hill 1999
Rerun You and I Risen Angel 1999