

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Pop the Gate Affirmed Our Wildirish Rose 1995
シンハラ Affirmed Sin Lucha 1995
Brigade Charge Affirmed Fairy Footsteps 1995
Exchange Place Affirmed Towering Success 1995
パンピータ Affirmed Style n' Elegance 1996
Affirmable Affirmed Sham Street 1996
Midnite Mama Affirmed Mama Simba 1996
Celestialbutterfly Affirmed Butterflies 1996
Truly Bewitched Affirmed Fabulous Fairy 1996
You're the Top Affirmed So Unusual 1996
Key to Fame Affirmed Walk of Fame 1996
Secretsequestered Affirmed Special Secreto 1996
Affirmed Judgement Affirmed Grenada Pride 1996
Markan Affirmed Norma 1996
El Mesias Affirmed Won'tellaffirmed 1996
ヴォイスフロムヘヴン Affirmed Nijinsky's Beauty 1996
Shake On It Affirmed Starolamo 1996
Antitrust Affirmed Dancing On a Cloud 1996
Affirmed Spring Affirmed Au Printemps 1996
She's Something Affirmed Delta Slew 1996