

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Easterborn Mt. Hope Milk Maid Lucy 1964
Getoffmyback Mt. Hope Miss Platime 1966
Froid Mt. Hope Rough Morning 1967
Hope Against Hope Mt. Hope Mary Lemmon 1967
Dubby Mt. Hope Miss Platime 1967
Powder Mountain Mt. Hope 1967
Strike Out Mt. Hope Perfect Swing 1968
Goldilocks Mt. Hope Lapis Lazuli 1969
Granny Abby Mt. Hope Pin Lass 1972
Barbaloobie Mt. Hope Trip Abroad 1972
Rita's Lass Mt. Hope Pin Lass 1973
Hope to Tell You Mt. Hope 1973
Beyond the Barrier Mt. Hope Rapide 1975
Hope for Winn Mt. Hope Royal Blossom 1977
Hope It Tiz Mt. Hope Quiz Note 1978